Development of the Remediation Strategy
This strategy sets out Ngāi Tahu aspirations and expectations for the environmental remediation of Tiwai Peninsula. Te Rūnaka o Awarua prepared this document as an expression of its mana whenua and mana moana, and on behalf of kā rūnaka o Murihiku. In broad terms, Awarua seeks to protect and enhance the peninsula’s terrestrial and coastal environments, and the cultural practices based upon them, for current and future generations of all New Zealanders. This document outlines how we seek to implement this strategy, alongside key national, regional, and local stakeholders.
Goal 1: Preserve the past
The need to preserve wāhi taonga at Tiwai Point is understood, documented and proactively managed. The aspects of our culture and identity connected with this site are preserved and nutured for us and future generations.
All people need to better understand the site’s Māori history, including Ngāi Tahu recollections (through private images and memories, for example).
Goal 2: Safely continue present activities
Whānau undertake a range of mahinga kai activities at or near Tiwai and have done so mai rā anō. This takes place on the assumption that those activities are still safe to do. We seek to test that assumption and take any necessary actions if that assumption proves wrong.
Goal 3: Preparation and readiness for future use
Contaminated sites at Tiwai need to be remediated to enable alternative future land-uses. At a minimum, remediation needs to actively address whānau and hapū interests and activities, whilst being mindful of iwi and national level considerations, and looking beyond the current site use to future commercial opportunities that benefit the region and nation.
Goal 4: Enduring partnerships
Te Rūnaka o Awarua, as the representative voice of mana whenua, will ensure Ngāi Tahu interests are incorporated into all work, present and future, conducted at or near the Tiwai site. Partnering with other stakeholders - both private and public – to achieve this is critical to delivering effective remediation at Tiwai Point.
To read the full document, please click here.
Capturing the Tiwai Cultural, Oral and Social History
Te Runaka o Awarua Tiwai Remediation Project requires the collection of cultural, oral and social history to further inform the vision and purpose for remediation at the site.
Articulating the vision for the Tiwai site is a foundation requirement for progressing the remediation project plan. There is an opportunity to better understand the site history, our people's recollections, images and memories, and tailor our approaches accordingly. Through this we will have a greater understanding of our expectations for the remediation approach. We will know the best ways for us to progress this mahi and we will be able to be deliberate, effective and consistent in our messaging.
Representing on governance and working groups
The AWG members represent the interests of this mahi on multiple groups. Guided by the remediation strategy and informed by the conversations and connections with the wider community, our role is to effectively represent Awarua. A key part of these roles is to provide information in a timely and transparent way.
Key groups that we are representing on are as follows:
Tiwai Programme Oversight Group (Environment Southland) - Dean Whaanga, Jacqui Caine
NZAS/Rio Tinto Engagement Team - Jacqui Caine, Mike Stevens, & David Stock
Just Transitions (Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment) - Aimee Kaio